Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Dryer Repair

Several days ago, our dryer stopped heating. In the past, I would call the appliance guy and be done with it, but not now. I researched the issue and tore the dryer apart with my daughter. We determined the heating element's coil was intact, so the problem was either the thermal fuse or higher up the chain. 

(However, we did notice that the venting system was misaligned with a 1/4 inch gap. This was probably leaking lint into the interior of the dryer. In addition to a fire hazard, this likely caused the heating element to break. We vacuumed the inside of the dryer out.)

I called my father-in-law who used to do a lot of appliance repair. He suggested that if the warranty is expired (it was) my best bet is to just purchase a new heating element entirely.

I purchased the heating element for about $95 including shipping. I bought it brand new. I do not skimp on parts for brand-new appliances that I want to preserve. This means I do not buy off-brand parts.

It did not fix the problem. I went back to Google and learned that dryers have two breakers (or in our case, fuses). One cause of a dryer tumbling but not heating is because the fuse powering the heat could have been blown. I checked. It was. I replaced it. The dryer heated.

I asked my father-in-law what I was saving by doing it myself, versus calling some rando appliance guy. His answer: at least $150 in labor, plus parts.


  1. Working dryer
  2. Knowledge of dryer
  3. Safer dryer
  4. Approximately $55 saved at minimum (36% savings)
  5. Quality time with daughter

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